Alternative Energy From N-viro Techology

N-Viro International Corporation,
located in Daytona Florida, and Toledo Ohio USA develops and licenses its technology to municipalities and private companies.
The N-Viro technologies involve the mixing of municipal bio solids with specific alkaline waste products from the coal combustion electric generation, cement and lime industries. This process stabilizes organic waste thru pasteurization and complete disinfection.
I call this a green technology,
Waste to energy is a future Renewable energy that can replace the fosil energy that have used by people arround the world in nowadays.
Asphalt Mixing Plant uses coal in combustion Process , coal can involve a bad air polution.
But with clean coal from N-Viro Technology , this problem will be minimized even eliminated.
So lets save the world by using the opportunity fuels ,enviromental energy for our offspring
Please Visit N-Viro International Corporation

Modified Marshal Characteristic Of Dense Graded Asphalt Emulsion Mixes

Growth in the use of asphalt emulsions was relatively slow, and limited by the type of asphalt emulsions availability and a lack of knowledge as to how they should be used. continuing equipment of new types and grades of asphalt emulsion, coupled with improved construction equipment and practices now give a broad range of choices, with which virtually any roadway requirement can be fulfilled. Wise selection and use of an appropriate asphalt emulsion can yield significant economic profits.

This thesis describes an investigation of the characteristics of an asphalt emulsion mix comprising a dense graded aggregate and a slow-setting cationic emulsion. The Marshall procedure was modified to evaluate the strength and deformation characteristics, of the mix; samples were listed in the dry condition at 35 Celcius degree. The influence of curing period on these two parameters was also researched.

Preliminary tests showed that the aggregate and emulsion were compatihle and indicated a suitable premix water content. Tests indicated that there is an optimum compaction water content tor maximum modified Marshall stability, and this parameter is a function of curing period. Measurement of strength and deformation made on specimens prepared at various asphalt emulsion contents indicated the following trends :

-Modified Marshall stability decreases with increase in residual asphalt content.

-Dry density decreases with increase in residual asphalt content.

-The modified Marshall flow generally decreases to a minimum value with increase in residual asphalt content.

-At any residual asphalt content, modified Marshall stability, Marshall quotient, and dry density generally increase with increase in curing time.

Information Dissemination Right @2008 ITB Central Library
By :Sigit Subroto (NIM :269 95 012), S2