Considered the cost of world crude oil is more and more expensive., So that will burden the contractor of Asphalt Mixing Plant that in using fosil energy as main power. This is very crucial for them, moreover the price of light diesel and raw asphalt are inconsistent.
In order to fix the problem above, Coal Direct Burner is one of solution that can be offered. By this, we are able to reduce the using of light diesel that affect cost down of production.
Trough this writing, I will explain about:
1. Construction and Mechanism of Coal Direct Burner.
2. The Merits of Coal Direct Burner.

Construction and Mechanism of Coal Direct Burner.

Basicly, Coal must be process in two phase to meet coal powder, then its sprayed into dryer and at the same time flame burn it.

asphalt plant

Coal Direct Burner is consisted of five main parts:

1. Cold Bin in coal burner
Cold Bin is a place for storing raw coal. The capacity of coldbin is variety, start from 1,5 m3 until 5 m3. There is feeder under Cold bin to regulate output of coal to conveyor.

2. Conveyor In coal burner
The function of Conveyor is moving raw coal from coldbin to grinding machine. There are some arranged rolled drum which connected with belt. When motor active, it will move rolled drum that cause belt bring raw coal to grinding machine.

3. Grinding Machine in coal burner
The stored raw coal from conveyor is splited by grinding machine to meet smaller coal before it goes to pulverizer.

asphalt plant

4. Pulverizer in coal burner
In order to get the best result of burning, coal must be in powder shape. Pulverizer do this duty to make coal is ready to be burnt.

coal burner

5. Burner Chamber in coal burner
Coal powder from pulverizer is sent trough flexible pipe to Burner chamber. The flow of coal can be happened because of blower. In this chamber, sprayed coal will be be burnt.
coal burner

To heat coal burner chamber, we have to do ignition process manually with kerosene. When burner is active. Coal powder is sprayed. The flame shape could be set with dumper depend on operating modes.
There are 3 dumper :
a. Main Control Direct Flow ( Right Dumper ) to regulate focus point of flame.
b. Main Control Spiral Flow ( Middle Dumper ) to regulate length of flame.
c. Micro adjustable Direct Flow ( Left Dumper ) to regulate volume of flame.


The Merits of this Coal Direct Burner

The Merits of Coal Direct Burner are:

1. Fuel Saving

Coal Burner For AMP (Asphalt Mixing Plant) using in 1 hour;

 Coal Direct Burner only need ± 1 Ton Coal or about US $47,40 .
 Light Diesel Burner need ± 840 Liter of light diesel or about US $459,90 .
From data above we can save US $412,40 per hour ( ± 90% ) by using Coal Direct Burner.
2. More perfect burning with longer flame range.
3. Efficient fuel consumption.
4. Easy installation and maintenance
5. Simple operation.
6. It is easy to find coal.
7. Low Pollution
8. Maintenace cost is cheap.
9. Constructed with consider safety, effectivity and efficiency factors.
10. Higher heat temperatur with constant shape.
11.Low affect of wet material in coal consumption.


With all of adventegous in cost and operation, Coal Direct Burner is best alternatif to push production cost by using coal to replace light diesel that the price is high and inconstant.
By investing Coal Direct Burner, efficient production process and lower production cost will be met.
Systematically, First investation for this burner is same with the purchasing cost of light diesel in 290 hours (± 24 days of work hour with 12 hours per day). It means less than 1 month, decreasing fuel consumption cost for Asphalt Mixing Plant can be reached untill 90% (saving about 4 ,million rupiahs/hour).
This is New Inovation of Replacing Light diesel oil to save fuel in minimizing production cost in order to get maximal profit.

