Coal Supply
Turbo Blower
Water Valve
Bin 1
Bin 2
Coal Ash
Coal Bucket
Main Blower
Water Level
The Coal one of the mining that is still be till then.
After the agreement of Infrastructure summit in 2005, government spend a lot of fund of APBN allocated for the development and construction, especially for infrastructure area. In other hand increasing of fuel price burden the contractor that in fact use fossil energy as main power. This is very crucial for them, moreover the price of light diesel and raw asphalt are inconsistent.
In order to fix the problem above, Mixed Gas Producer is one of solution that can be offered. By this, we are able to reduce the using of light diesel that affect cost down of production.
Through this writing we will discuss :
1. Construction of Mixed Gas Producer
2. Ways of working of Mixed Gas Producer
3. Merits of Mixed Gas Producer than similar product
4. Technical specification of Mixed Gas Producer
Chapter 1
Construction of Mixed Gas Producer
Mixed Gas Producer (MGP) is a furnace-shaped machine to produce gas as alternative resource to replace oil through coal and hot vapor to produce flameable gas. This machine burn coal as catalyst to produce flameable gas, than gas will fulfill dryer and perfectly burnt into dryer. We can guarantee this machine won’t influence aggregate condition in dryer. In vaporization , Mixed gas producer uses full separated water processor or half separated water processor. Operation effect directly influence the effectiveness , produced gas volume, secure and work safety , equipment life , and efficiency of energy consumption.
This equipment is a simple mechanism, principally Mixed Gas Producer is not explicitly grind coal into 2 phase , then pulverized coal is injected in firing, this will influence aggregates content in dryer.
Mixed Gas Producer uses Low pressure to produce gas which’s blown to the air until gas is flameable. So that is big mistake if people assume this equipment is explosive.
Mixed Gas Producer consists of some main parts, such as: turnace, lower body, material storage , bucket , bin, blower, water level, and water valve.
Furnace or main body is used for coal burning. This furnace is made from thick steel plate depend on capacity of Mixed Gas Producer. Furnace wall is hollow shaped to save water for flameable gas producing.
Lower body of Mixed Gas Producer is cut cone shaped with biger size beneath. There is Grater in center part of lower body as cover of air hole from blower. Hot steam from grater is connected by blower using 6” Pipe. There is thermocouple on this pipe to supervise the temperature of hot steam which flowing trough pipe. When Mixer Gas Producer is working, this lower body is turning to push coal ash and residue in furnace and lower body of Mixer producer.
Material storage ( cold bin) is used for saving coal. Calorie of Mixed Gas Produccer must be between 2000-6500 Kcal., whereas ideal coal number for Mixed Gas Producer is 5500 Kcal. Coal size must be 20-60 mm and sulfur content is lower than 1%.
Bucket is used for carriying materials from storage to bin. This bucket is pulled by using wire. Bucket capacities is 50 kg. Mixed Gas Producer carries 6-7 times in one operation.
Mixed Gas Producer uses 2 bin, bin 1 and bin 2 which each of them have 150 kg capacities. Function of each bin:
Bin 1: Saving dry coal.
Bin 2: Saving reserve material.
If material of bin 1 has been poured to the furnace, then material in bin 2 spill in to bin 1 and climb up to filll bin 2.
Water Level is used as water filling gate in furnace wall. Water level is connected to furnace wall by using pipe under lower tank. Filling process is continuously done until water indicator shows optimum point (about ¾ of tank height). There are 2 pipe lines in higher part of tank, first line is connected to blower pipe that will be blown to furnace. Where as other line as gas hole if there is any over pressure. Tank is completed with preventative explosion plate as safety tool if there is any over pressure.
See picture for more detail:
Optimal Point
maximum water limit
Min. water limit
Indicator level
Water Tank
Water valve is used for regulating flameable air flow to the burner chamber. This valve is separated by 5 plates to create 3 chamber each chamber has pipe line. Chamber 1 is connected with chimney. Chamber 2 is connected with furnace and chamber 3 is connected with burner chamber.
See picture for more details:
Smoke From Furnace to burner
The regulating of flameable air flow which comes from furnace is by filling and emptying water in each chamber. To flow the air to burner chamber, chamber which is connected to chimney must be filled with water until certain limit. If Mixed Gas Producer is not in operating, the left flameable air is thrown away through chimney by filling water into chamber which is connected to burner and furnace.
Chapter 2
Ways of Working Mixed Gas Producer
Coal Ash
Wind + Steam
Main Blower
Metan Gas
Bin 1
Bin 2
Water Supply
Coal Supply
Chimney Stack
Water Valve
Turbo Blower
To Dryer
This equipment is a simple mechanism, principally Mixed Gas Producer is not explicitly grind coal into 2 phase , then pulverized coal is injected in firing, this will influence aggregates content in dryer.
Furnace wall is filled by water through water level tank above the furnace. Furnace wall is filled water fully and tank is filled 75%. Inner part of furnace and lower body of MGP is filled with coal ash or sand until cover up the grater. This function is preventing grater damage when coal is poured from bin 1. After grater is closed by coal ash, charcoal is burned in furnace.
Coal ash
Coal in storage is carried by bucket to bin above. After fire is getting bigger , coal is poured to furnace. Then coal will be burnt and furnace temperature is increase and water will be evaporated because temperature get 6500 C. Steam will go to lower pressure because between furnace wall and water level tank are connected by pipes. Steam will flow through pipe which is connected with blower. Then it will push steam to furnace through grater. If produced smoke is yellow colored, Unburned smoke is caused by content of gas is hasn’t mixture with vapor and then it will be thrown away to the air. Inconclusion MGP has no pressured gas in high pressure tube.
There is chemical reaction between coal smoke with vapor from blower. That reaction will produce methane (flameable gas) that will be used for firing on the burner . To flow methane to burner chamber, chimney connected chamber is filled with water in certain limit. After that we can burn gas then we just regulate fire to be used for dryer or iron ore melting.
Chapter 3
Merits of Mixed Gas Producer
The Merits of Mixed Gas Producer than similar product are:
1. Fuel Saving
For AMP (Asphalt Mixing Plant) using in 1 hour;
ü Mixed Gas Producer only need ± 1 Ton Coal or about 450.000,00 rupiahs ( $ 47 ).
ü Light Diesel Burner need ± 840 Liter of light diesel or about 4.368.000,00 rupiahs ( $ 459 ).
From data above we can save 3.918.000,00 rupiahs ( $ 412 ) per hour ( ± 90% ) by using Mixed Gas Producer
Systematically, First invest for this burner is same with the purchasing cost of light diesel in 290 hours (± 24 days of work hour with 12 hours per day). It means less than 1 month, decreasing fuel consumption cost for Asphalt Mixing Plant can be reached until 90% (saving about 4 million rupiahs ( $421)/hour).
More perfect burning with longer flame range.
Efficient fuel consumption.
Easy installation and maintenance
Simple operation.
It is easy to find coal.
Low pollution
Maintenance cost is cheap.
Constructed with consider safety, effectiveness and efficiency factors.
Higher heat temperature with constant shape.
Low affect of wet material in coal consumption
Chapter 4
Technical Specification of Mixed Gas Producer
MGP 2.0
MGP 2.6
MGP 3.0
MGP 3.2
ID of Chamber (mm)
Chamber Cross-Section Area (m2)
Heat Perception Area of Water Jacket (m3)
Applicable Coal
Non Caking or Weak Caking
Coal Size (mm)
20 – 40 ; 25 – 50 ; 30 – 60
Coal Consumption (kg/H)
750 – 850
1100 – 1270
1800 – 2000
2000 – 2200
Air Consumption (Coal)
2.0 – 2.5
2.0 – 2.5
2.0 – 2.5
2.0 – 2.5
Steam Consumption (Coal)
0.3 – 0.5
0.3 – 0.5
0.3 – 0.5
0.3 – 0.5
Gas Output (Nm/H)
2500 – 2800
3600 – 4200
5000 – 6500
6000 – 7000
Net Heating Value (kJ/m3)
6060 – 6270
6060 – 6270
6060 – 6270
6060 – 6270
Gas Pressure (kPa)
Up Stage
Down Stage
1.0 – 1.2
2.0 – 2.5
2.2 – 3.0
3.0 – 4.5
3.0 – 3.5
3.5 – 4.5
2.1 – 3.5
3.5 – 4.5
Max. Blast Pressure (KPa)
Saturated Temperature (°C)
50 – 65
55 – 65
55 – 65
55 – 65
Steam Seal Pressure of Poking Hole (kPa)